Observer Design Pattern – Simplify Event driven Architecture

The Observer design pattern is categorized under the behavioral design patterns and follows the principles of loose coupling and separation of concerns. It allows objects (observers) to subscribe to changes in another object (subject) and get notified automatically when those changes occur. It is widely used in various programming languages and frameworks to implement event-driven architectures and ensure effective information flow. This decoupling enables flexibility, modularity, and enhances maintainability in software systems.

Real-World Examples of the Observer Design Pattern

  • Message queues and publish/subscribe systems: Observer pattern forms the basis of publish/subscribe systems, where publishers broadcast messages to multiple subscribers. For instance, messaging systems like Apache Kafka or RabbitMQ utilize the Observer pattern to allow multiple consumers (subscribers) to receive messages from producers (publishers) based on their subscribed topics or channels.
  • Stock market systems: In stock market systems, investors can subscribe to receive real-time updates on stock prices. The stock market acts as the subject, and the investors act as observers. Whenever the price of a subscribed stock changes, the subject notifies the respective observers, allowing them to take appropriate actions based on the updated information.
  • Weather applications: Weather applications that provide real-time weather updates often employ the Observer pattern. Weather stations act as subjects, continuously gathering weather data. Users subscribing to specific locations act as observers, receiving notifications and updates whenever there are changes in weather conditions, such as temperature, humidity, or precipitation.
  • GUI frameworks: UI elements subscribing to data changes.
  • Event-driven programming frameworks: Components reacting to user interactions or system events.
  • MVC and MVVM patterns: The Observer pattern is often used in Model-View-Controller (MVC) and Model-View-ViewModel (MVVM) architectures. The model component acts as the subject, while the views and view models act as observers. Whenever the model changes, the views and view models are automatically updated, keeping the user interface synchronized with the underlying data.
  • Reactive programming: The Observer pattern is closely related to reactive programming paradigms. It enables a reactive approach to handle asynchronous events and data streams. Libraries and frameworks like RxJava or Reactive Extensions (Rx) heavily rely on the Observer pattern to establish observable sequences and propagate changes to multiple subscribers.
  • System monitoring and logging: In systems that require monitoring or logging functionality, the Observer pattern can be utilized to notify logging or monitoring components about important events or system state changes. Observers can then perform actions such as logging the events, generating alerts, or updating monitoring dashboards.

Advantages of the Observer Design Pattern

  • Loose coupling: The pattern promotes loose coupling between subjects and observers, allowing them to vary independently.
  • Modularity: Observers can be added or removed without modifying the subject or other observers.
  • Event-driven architecture: The pattern facilitates the development of event-driven systems where changes in one part of the system trigger updates in other parts.
  • Scalability: It enables a scalable architecture by allowing multiple observers to subscribe to a subject.


The implementation of the Observer design pattern involves several key components and steps. Let’s explore the details of its implementation:

  • Define the Subject and Observer Interfaces: Start by creating the interfaces that define the contract for the subject and observer objects. The Subject interface should include methods for registering and unregistering observers, as well as notifying them of updates. The Observer interface should declare the update method, which will be called by the subject when a relevant change occurs.
// Step 1: Define the Subject interface
interface Subject {
    void registerObserver(Observer observer);
    void unregisterObserver(Observer observer);
    void notifyObservers();
// Step 2: Define the Observer interface
interface Observer {
    void update();
  • Implement the Concrete Subject: Create a class that implements the Subject interface. This class will act as the subject being observed. It should maintain a list of registered observers and provide methods to manage this list, such as adding or removing observers. The concrete subject class should also include a method to trigger the notification process and update all registered observers.
// Step 3: Implement the Concrete Subject
class ConcreteSubject implements Subject {
    private List<Observer> observers = new ArrayList<>();

    public void registerObserver(Observer observer) {

    public void unregisterObserver(Observer observer) {

    public void notifyObservers() {
        for (Observer observer : observers) {

    // Custom method for the subject to trigger an update
    public void doSomething() {
        // Perform some logic or state change here

        // Notify all observers
  • Implement the Concrete Observers: Create one or more classes that implement the Observer interface. These classes represent the observers that are interested in receiving updates from the subject. The concrete observer classes should register themselves with the subject during initialization or at a specific time. They should also implement the update method to handle the incoming notifications and perform any necessary actions based on the updated information.
  • Establish Communication between Subject and Observers: Within the concrete subject class, when a relevant change occurs, it should iterate through the list of registered observers and call the update method on each observer. The subject will pass any relevant information or data to the observers through the update method, allowing them to process the updates accordingly.
// Step 4: Implement the Concrete Observers
class ConcreteObserver implements Observer {
    public void update() {
        System.out.println("Observer is notified of the change.");
        // Perform actions based on the updated information
  • Utilize the Observer Pattern in the Application: In the application code, you can create instances of the concrete subject and observer classes. Register the observers with the subject so that they can start receiving notifications. When a change occurs in the subject, it will automatically notify all registered observers, triggering their update methods and allowing them to respond accordingly.
public class ObserverPatternExample {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        // Create a subject
        ConcreteSubject subject = new ConcreteSubject();

        // Create observers
        Observer observer1 = new ConcreteObserver();
        Observer observer2 = new ConcreteObserver();

        // Register observers with the subject

        // Trigger a change in the subject

        // Unregister an observer

        // Trigger another change in the subject
  • Remember to consider thread safety and synchronization if your application involves multiple threads interacting with the subject and observers simultaneously.


Here’s an example of implementing the Observer design pattern in a stock market scenario.

The use case in this example is a stock market scenario where there is a need to notify stock traders about changes in stock prices. The Observer design pattern is applied to establish a one-to-many relationship between the stock market (subject) and the stock traders (observers).

The stock market (subject) acts as the central entity that receives updates on stock prices. It maintains a list of registered stock traders (observers). Whenever there is a change in the stock prices, the stock market notifies all registered traders by calling their update() method.

The stock traders (observers) are interested in receiving updates about specific stocks. They register themselves with the stock market to start receiving notifications. When a stock price update occurs, the stock market notifies all registered traders, passing the stock name and price as parameters. Each trader then performs their specific actions based on the updated information, such as analyzing the new prices, executing trades, or updating their portfolio.

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;

// Step 1: Define the Subject interface
interface StockMarket {
    void registerObserver(StockTrader trader);
    void unregisterObserver(StockTrader trader);
    void notifyObservers(String stockName, double price);

// Step 2: Define the Observer interface
interface StockTrader {
    void update(String stockName, double price);

// Step 3: Implement the Concrete Subject
class StockExchange implements StockMarket {
    private List<StockTrader> traders = new ArrayList<>();

    public void registerObserver(StockTrader trader) {

    public void unregisterObserver(StockTrader trader) {

    public void notifyObservers(String stockName, double price) {
        for (StockTrader trader : traders) {
            trader.update(stockName, price);

    // Simulate a stock price update
    public void updateStockPrice(String stockName, double price) {
        // Update the stock price

        // Notify all traders about the change
        notifyObservers(stockName, price);

// Step 4: Implement the Concrete Observers
class StockTraderImpl implements StockTrader {
    private String name;

    public StockTraderImpl(String name) { = name;

    public void update(String stockName, double price) {
        System.out.println(name + " received an update for " + stockName + " - Price: " + price);
        // Perform actions based on the stock price update

public class StockMarketExample {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        // Create the stock market (subject)
        StockMarket stockMarket = new StockExchange();

        // Create stock traders (observers)
        StockTrader trader1 = new StockTraderImpl("Trader 1");
        StockTrader trader2 = new StockTraderImpl("Trader 2");

        // Register traders with the stock market

        // Simulate stock price updates
        stockMarket.updateStockPrice("AAPL", 150.25);
        stockMarket.updateStockPrice("GOOGL", 2500.50);

        // Unregister a trader

        // Simulate another stock price update
        stockMarket.updateStockPrice("AAPL", 155.75);

Best Practices for Using the Observer Design Pattern

  • Use the Observer pattern when you need to establish a one-to-many relationship between objects, allowing efficient communication.
  • Ensure proper synchronization when dealing with multi-threaded environments.
  • Consider using an existing implementation of the Observer pattern provided by your programming language or framework.

Observer vs. Publisher-Subscriber Pattern

The Observer and Publisher-Subscriber patterns are similar but have subtle differences. While the Observer pattern typically involves a single subject and multiple observers, the Publisher-Subscriber pattern involves multiple publishers and multiple subscribers. In the Observer pattern, the subject maintains a list of observers, while in the Publisher-Subscriber pattern, publishers and subscribers do not have direct knowledge of each other.

Pros & Cons of Observer Pattern


Open/Closed Principle – The Observer design pattern allows for the introduction of new subscriber classes without requiring modifications to the publisher’s code.
Inefficiency with large numbers of observers – Notifying numerous observers sequentially can introduce overhead and impact performance.
Loose coupling, Modularity and extensibilityUnintended updates – Observers may receive updates that are not relevant to their current state or interests
Event-driven architectureUnexpected dependencies – Observers may inadvertently become dependent on each other or the subject
Simplified updatesLack of order guarantees – The order in which observers are notified may not be guaranteed

Relation with other Design Patterns

  1. Mediator Pattern: The Mediator pattern focuses on centralizing complex communication and coordination between multiple objects. It promotes loose coupling by encapsulating the interaction logic within a mediator object. In this context, the Observer pattern can be used to implement the communication between the mediator and its associated components. Observers can subscribe to events or changes in the mediator, and the mediator can notify observers when appropriate.
  2. Singleton Pattern: The Singleton pattern ensures that a class has only one instance and provides a global point of access to it. The Observer pattern can be used in conjunction with the Singleton pattern when there is a single subject that needs to notify multiple observers. The Singleton pattern ensures that all observers access the same instance of the subject, simplifying the management and communication between the subject and observers.